Course of History of Modern and Contemporary Theology (Prof. Fulvio Ferrario)

Course of History of Modern and Contemporary Theology (Prof. Fulvio Ferrario)



October 18, 2021 - January 31, 2022


every Monday










Prof. Fulvio Ferrario



History of modern and contemporary theology.

Moments and figures of twentieth-century theology



The twentieth century was among the richest in the history of theology, and in its second phase saw the emergence of new theological subjects, expressions of oppressed peoples, or of discriminated or denied components in rich societies. Attempts to rethink faith in the 21st century can only start from here.







18/10: The Liberal Season


25/10: Karl Barth and surroundings


8/11: Rudolf Bultmann and New Testament Hermeneutics


15/11: Dietrich Bonhoeffer


22/11: Paul Tillich and his legacy


29/11: Between Modernist Crisis and Vatican II: The Parable of Catholic Theology


26/11 Vatican II as a theological event


6/12: Karl Rahner and Hans Urs von Balthasar: two models of theological thought


12/13: Liberation Theologies


12/20/12: Theologies of gender


10/1: Evangelical Theology at the End of the Twentieth Century


17/1: "Third Quest on Jesus," "New Perspective on Paul": the challenges of exegesis to theology, today.


24/1 Postmodernity and Theology


31/1 Theology and Religious Sciences in the 21st Century


Access credentials are to be requested from the secretariat at the time of registration.


Attached you will find the course poster and registration form.